There is resonance with the Teachings of the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa.
New cannot replace old as they co-exist.
Worm holes can get very claustrophobic.
Myth of Freedom and Cutting through Spiritual Materialism are good starting places.
I chuckle if you have encountered his work, I am the fool.
Said with care and compassion for all struggling beings, may your path be clarified with peace and self knowledge.
The New Vajrayana
There is resonance with the Teachings of the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa.
New cannot replace old as they co-exist.
Worm holes can get very claustrophobic.
Myth of Freedom and Cutting through Spiritual Materialism are good starting places.
I chuckle if you have encountered his work, I am the fool.
Said with care and compassion for all struggling beings, may your path be clarified with peace and self knowledge.